The fifth transnational meeting took place at the campus of Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany, welcoming our partners TU Dublin, UAB Learnkey, European Strategy Consulting, PACE Organisation, and PENITENCIARUL BUCURESTI JILAVA. This event represented another crucial step in the PREP project’s development, offering a valuable opportunity for exchange, discussion and strategizing.

Piloting activities in Jilava prison:

The piloting phase, which was planned during our recent transnational meeting, has since been conducted. Therefore, a significant part of the meeting focused on discussing the piloting activities carried out at Jilava Prison in Bucharest, where feedback from inmates who participated in and tested the training was gathered. Both positive and constructive feedback proved invaluable to our team. Detailed reviews of feedback for each module guided us in identifying areas for improvement and necessary changes to the course content. The feedback provided by course participants was particularly insightful. Integrating their input is crucial to us, as it allows for the adaptation and enhancement of course materials to better meet the learning needs, preferences, and living circumstances of inmates. This commitment underscores our dedication to continuously improving our educational offerings.

Planning of second piloting activities:

In addition, we have planned our upcoming second piloting activities at Jilava Prison. Insights and lessons learned from the previous piloting phase have been integrated into the planning and strategy. We discussed the timing of these activities, the criteria participants should meet in terms of their characteristics, and determined the number of participants to be involved. We are confident that the next piloting phase will proceed as smoothly as the first.

Entrepreneurial coaching guideline:

During the meeting, a concept for the coaching guideline, to be developed as part of the project, was presented. The feedback from partners on the proposed concept and content was highly valuable. This coaching guideline aims to help members of reintegration organizations acquire skills for entrepreneurial coaching, enabling them to support former inmates who have started businesses after their release.

Dissemination strategy:

Lastly, the dissemination strategy was also discussed. Measures were planned to disseminate success stories of former inmates who successfully started businesses after their release, aiming to raise awareness in society. Additionally, actions were outlined to reach a broader audience and raise awareness about our project’s topic. Finally, the date for the next transnational meeting in Romania was determined.

Overall, the transnational meeting has once again moved us forward significantly, and we were pleased to host our partners in Saarbrücken.


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