The sixth transnational meeting took place at the offices of European Strategy consulting, Romania, welcoming our partners TU Dublin, UAB Learnkey, Saarland University, PACE Organisation, and PENITENCIARUL BUCURESTI JILAVA. This meeting marked another pivotal milestone in the PREP project’s development, providing a productive environment for piloting, feedback discussion, strategic planning, and project closure.

Piloting Activities and Feedback Integration:

A major focus of this meeting was conducting another piloting round and discussing the feedback gathered. This included reflections on the piloting activities at Jilava Prison, where inmates participated in and tested the training modules. Feedback collected during this phase was carefully reviewed, with both positive and constructive insights guiding refinements to the course content.

Participants’ input proved instrumental in adapting and improving the training materials to align better with the learning needs and conditions of inmates. This iterative feedback process highlights our ongoing commitment to delivering impactful and practical educational resources.

Finalization of IO5:

A significant portion of the meeting was dedicated to finalizing IO5. Discussions revolved around ensuring the intellectual output met its objectives and incorporated feedback from piloting activities. Partners collaboratively reviewed the content and structure to ensure its alignment with the project’s goals and its readiness for dissemination.

Dissemination Strategy and Multiplier Events:

The team also planned dissemination activities and upcoming multiplier events. These plans included drafting detailed agendas for events aimed at sharing the project’s outcomes and raising awareness of its impact. Specific measures were outlined to reach diverse stakeholders and engage broader audiences with stories of former inmates who successfully reintegrated into society by starting their own businesses.

Planning and Project Closure:

Additionally, the meeting served as an opportunity to outline the agendas for the final dissemination events and strategize the official project closing round. This included wrapping up administrative aspects, reflecting on the project’s achievements, and discussing potential follow-ups or future collaborations.

Next Steps:

The meeting concluded with discussions on the timing and organization of remaining project activities, ensuring all tasks are aligned and on track.


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